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Wine or Dogs?


When you hear the story of my red blend "Oupa Willem", you will learn that the inspiration for using this name originated from my family always comparing me to my Oupa Willem ("Oupa" is Afrikaans for grandfather).

First, I would hear how short-tempered I am...just like Oupa Willem. And then I would hear how impatient I am...just like Oupa Willem.

So one day, when I again had to listen to "You are just like Oupa Willem!" and expecting another "not so nice" comparison, I was very surprised to learn that just like me - he was very passionate about animals. His horse and dogs came first in his life. And the rest had to battle for a place!

Many of you do not know this, but my dogs come first in my life. Not wine, not awards, not stickers, not people. But my dogs.

I always wanted a way to combine a "wine achievement" with helping animals at the same time. When I received the news, that two of my wines will appear in the Decanter Magazine's Top 50 White Wines of 2020, I knew this is the opportunity I was waiting for.

The idea is to allow clients to purchase wine but at the same time, donate to my NPO Wineland Dogs. Your purchase will contain the two white whines that appears in the Decanter List.

  • Old Vine Langpad 2020

  • A Naudé Chenin Blanc 2018

But most importantly, part of the proceeds of this Duo Gift Box, will benefit WINELAND DOGS.

From there, shelters and organisations like Cape Town Border Collie Rescue, Animal Welfare Society Stellenbosch and others will be assisted with food, monetary donations or whatever the need may be.

Knowing what I know about Oupa Willem, I am sure he would have done the same.

The price of the Duo Gift Box, including your donation, is R900. If you want to make a donation or offer other forms of help to these animals shelters and organizations, simply contact us and we will put you in touch with the right people. Contact Us if you want to help or purchase a Gift Box.

If you want to learn from a few volunteers and leaders of these organisations, follow the link below to watch a short video compilation.

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